Friday, August 08, 2008

Day 3

Today was a hard day over here. I had a very intense work day today and did not get my QiGong practice in before heading in to work (early) but I did do my smoothie. I was sooo tired and not feeling well when i got home for some reason and ate dinner then fell fast asleep on the couch watching the Olympics Opening Ceremonies.

I made some fabulous (I have to say) lentil/bean curry with coconut milk , sweet potatoes and swiss chard. It was fun to make and threw it in the crockpot before heading to work.

I woke up from the couch at 8:30 and realized it's now or never so popped in the DVD and did my QiGong practice. I was so tired but I was sweating all over...dripping off my face, down my legs, everything! Wild! That's been happening more and more which tells me something is going on w/ my metabolism and all I'm doing is standing there doing these very slow movements.

So, I didn't falter. I kept my vow. I do feel good about doing the entire practice even though I was seriously not feeling in to it.

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